

Brave adventurers of the new world, welcome! To define this land is impossible, for what we seek here is not yet known. To explore beyond the borders of time is our ultimate goal. We walk close to the edge of the present — watching and reflecting on what each breath brings. Here is where you will find our accounting. Please, excuse us for any lack of delicacy, for the only truth we know and report is our own.



Overtime, opportunities are given to us all to pick and commit our time and mindfulness towards specific points in our lives.

Sometimes life itself doesn’t allow our interference in that decision making process. Most times it doesn’t. That is called passion.

Some other times, however, it’s up to us where to invest our energy, where and to whom we shall commit to. In those cases, let’s make a passionate decision.

-Sumatra thoughts


Hoo Hoo Hoo

Hoo Hoo Hoo
We are the pirates who
sail the waters of existance,
Never ashore, always
No matter the distance,
I set my pace low,
following the sun
in a perfect flow.
Not making the question
but living the answer.
I abdicate to solve the
mistery unsolved.
For this vast quest,
is how I chose to roll,
in a ship made of flesh
guided by a soul.

– Capt G. Plant



Music by Radio Paradise
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