
Newsletter #1

It’s an incommensurable honor to be part of such a singular project, and even more to be graced with the title of GM by The One that brought us all here. Creation is a quality not intrinsic to many people, or better saying, to many beings. If he says it’s important to make my role official, I say it`s of the most importance to make his role official as well.

Hail GOD Capt Plant!

Hail GOD Capt Plant!

Hail GOD Capt Plant!

I want to say, with the Sky and the Sea, the Animals and the Trees, the Time and Space, the Honor and Loyalty, as witnesses, that I gratefully accept the nomination realized by thee, my true and old friend. The One that united us all here. The Entity that creates. The Captain of this ship. GOD Capt Plant.

I shall accept this honory by committing myself to this noble project, this deep gesture of the most unique and virtuose adventures I had the great pleasure of sharing with, the great pleasure of walking with, for as long as my soul guides my flesh. I enlist myself to help with the tools I have, and the ones that I still don’t, to help to direct this brotherhood of knowledge sharing to the brightest way that we, together, conceive for this quest.

With that sayed, I would like to make an invitation to all of the wise minds here gathered, as a gesture of endurencement of the discoverers here presents. A gesture of Renaissance.

I invite you all to share your valuable knowledge once again. I ask you all to write, to draw, to express once again, here, in our meaningful group, your acquired wisdom. Your personal vision. Your poetry. Your history.

In the near future we should discuss some ideas for the future of our sanctuary and, of course, you all are invited to bring your insights and creativity to the table. The ones that are interested in a more active participation may join our Discord Group where we will be talking about the future plans.

I also want to make a sincere greeting to our new member WD Digelo, who I’m not only shure that will help alot with the infrastructure of our monastery, but that already has made some really important improvements and  implementations to the website. In a next newsletter we will communicate more technical affairs for the ones that are interested.

With my deepest and grateful regards I thank your attention, and shall no longer have your time.

From yours truly,

GM The Wanderer

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