Carvernas do Infinito
Realidades distantes em caminhos que se cruzam,
União, pela força da vontade,
Confecção do destino em batalhas do presente,
Avante, avante!
Nossa voz ecoará nas cavernas do infinito.
Capt Plant
Be true to yourself, find your place, walk the Earth.
Realidades distantes em caminhos que se cruzam,
União, pela força da vontade,
Confecção do destino em batalhas do presente,
Avante, avante!
Nossa voz ecoará nas cavernas do infinito.
Capt Plant
Dear fellow adventurers,
I am writing today with great joy to bring you awesome news. It’s been eight years now since our beloved has been holding our deepest thoughts, this platform is the Ark that will carry forward in time the accounting of our brief passage though the world of the living, and will allow us to see with each other’s eyes and maybe even feel each other’s soul, it will allow us to connect generations of explorers, to make our own precious experiences of value to the ones coming after us. They, who will one day inherit the Will of the Explorer and wander this Earth and maybe even other celestial destinations, we have the chance and the duty to gift the future with our valuable learnings, already paid for with much blood, tears and sweat.
Even though I regard this platform as one of the most important works of my life, I have my own limitations when it comes to the technical aspects of maintaining and developing a website. I am grateful and proud to have made it this far with the little we’ve had in hand. But as our ten years anniversary is now closer than ever, it’s finally time to take this project to new heights, so I am pleased to announce our new Web Developer (WD) and fellow adventurer, Digelo! He will be helping with the development of the platform, and you can expect to see great improvements coming soon! I would also like to officially announce a position that has been fulfilled for many years now, by a member that is no stranger to this group, a warm welcome to our Game Master (GM), The Wanderer! He’s been helping to keep our website for many years now, and with this new Era of the UnpairedSocks Society coming, it is important to make his role official, as he is not only a great author and contributor but also a leading mind for our future. We also recently got a new member, who hasn’t yet shared his thoughts, but is one of the greatest explorers of our modern times. A warm welcome to fellow explorer, Unmasked!
Hail W.D. Digelo!
Hail G.M. The Wanderer!
Hail Unmasked!
I would love to hear what’s been in all of your minds lately, so I heed a call to all our members to come back and share some thoughts!
Unpaired Socks Society Members
And yours truly,
Capt Plant.
Que achei que a vida era tão fácil,
Descobri que não é bem assim.
E não foi alguém que me falou,
Foi vivendo que aprendi.
O valor de tudo que passou,
Dos momentos que eu não vi,
Dos beijos e abraços que não pude dar,
E das despedidas que eu perdi.
Eu estou aqui, seguindo com firmeza,
No caminho que eu escolhi.
Em memória de Manoel de Andrade Moreira, verdadeiro guerreiro, grande homem, e meu amado avô. Descanse em paz vô. 04/04/1930 – 24/03/2018.
Capt Plant